The Surviving Skokie team is proud to be able to offer DVDs of the film.
Get your own copy now for only $15, including shipping (within the continental US). This powerful story will withstand the test of time. For private viewing only. For public screenings please contact eli@survivingskokie.com
You can also order a copy of Y: A Holocaust Narrative by Jack Adler. Learn more about Jack's remarkably poignant story and learn more about his thoughts on how and why the Holocaust was allowed to happen.
Just a few comments about Y: A Holocaust Narrative
“Jack Adler is our collective hero. His story resonates throughout generations and he is, and will continue to be, a guiding light into the past, present and future.”
Monise Neumann, Director of the BJE March of the Living, Los Angeles
“For many years, Jack has brought his story to our students at East High School. I have watched Jack mesmerize hundreds of rowdy teenagers during his presentation: when the students leave, they are reflective, awestruck, and willing to reject discrimination. Many graduates return to visit and always comment that one of their most memorable experiences at East was Jack’s message: ‘Don’t bite the bait that leads to hate.’ Y: A Holocaust Narrative will be incorporated into our curriculum.”
Flo Wagner, East High School, Denver, Colorado
“My experience with Jack has been profound. I had interviewed him several years ago
in relation to a project of the Mizel Museum. I was deeply moved by his focus, composure and charm. There are people you meet along the way who stay with you always. They have touched you to the depths of your soul because they are quietly heroic. When I think of Jack, tears of joy are mixed with sorrow for both loss and love so deep.”
Penny Nisson, Jewish Education Coordinator, Mizel Museum, Denver